ts3 panel

  1. J

    Solved TS3 Panel

    Anybody knows a web panel with the same function as yatqa? I tested all the panels that i found in R4P3 and i tested first-coder.de as well.
  2. Ibo

    TS3Panel System v1.4

    hi r4p3 lot of ts3 server use panel ( TS3Panel System v1.4 ) who knows this panel
  3. Thiago Machado

    Dns ip customized web panel TS3

    Good good night I'm having trouble to find a script on the internet or even qualified people to do the same. let down about the same! Good would a panel to transform, a numeric ip on behalf of both he would be staying inside a VPS. EX: 145.55.154: 9987 for Name . my domain with web interface