(ANN)[TMC] TheMinerzCoin (POW / POS)


Knowledge Seeker
Oct 10, 2015



New, Fully Decentralized Comunity Leaded Network.

Hey everyone,

I wanted to take a moment to shed some light on an intriguing cryptocurrency that's been garnering attention lately: TheMinerzCoin.

TheMinerzCoin (TMC) stands out in the crypto sphere due to several fascinating features. One of its remarkable aspects is its innovative blockchain technology, built on unique consensus mechanisms that offer high security and transaction speeds.

What sets TMC apart from others is its robust community. The team behind TheMinerzCoin places a significant emphasis on transparency and involving the community in decision-making processes, which enhances trust in the project.

Moreover, TMC holds a clear vision for the future of finance. With a focus on decentralization and creating an ecosystem that makes financial services accessible to everyone, TheMinerzCoin aims to promote financial inclusion globally.

Some other intriguing aspects of TheMinerzCoin include:

Mining Technology: The mining process of TheMinerzCoin is environmentally friendly and efficient, contributing to sustainable development.

Partnerships and Use Cases: TMC is actively seeking partnerships and exploring various use cases that have the potential to expand cryptocurrency usage across different industries.

Regulation and Compliance: The team prioritizes compliance with regulations, aiming to create a secure, regulated environment for users and investors.

What are your thoughts on TheMinerzCoin? Have you had any experience with it or are you intrigued by the project? I'm eager to hear your opinions and engage in discussions about this rising player in the crypto market!

Let's dive into it together!

Roadmap 2024:

Q1 2024:

Introduction of enhanced mining algorithms to increase efficiency and security.
Partnerships with mining pools and hardware manufacturers to promote TMC adoption.

Q2 2024:

Release of TMC Wallet 2.0 with additional security features and user-friendliness.
Commencement of educational initiatives to promote understanding of mining and cryptocurrencies.

Q3 2024:

Integration of smart contract functionalities into the TMC platform.
Launch of a community development initiative for innovative mining applications.

Q4 2024:

Introduction of DeFi products based on the TMC platform.
Expansion of partnerships with businesses for TMC acceptance as a payment method.

Coin Specifications:

Algorithm - Scrypt Proof of Work and Proof of Stake
Coin name - TheMinerzCoin
Coin abbreviation - TMC
Public address letter - T
RPC port - 13947
P2P port - 13948
Block reward (PoW) - 10 coins
Block reward (PoS) - 25 coins
Donation - 20% of POS reward
Last PoW block - block 360000
Min. stake age - 8 hours
Max. stake age - Unlimited
Coinbase maturity - 20 ( + 1 default confirmation) blocks
Target spacing -5 minutes
Target timespan - 10 minutes
Transaction confirmations - 6 blocks
Timestamp - 06/09/2023 Algo Update

Welcome everyone to join our Community Channels:

- Website: https://theminerzcoin.eu/
- Explorer: https://explorer.theminerzcoin.eu
- AI Service: https://ai.theminerzcoin.eu/

Source code and Wallet
- Github: https://github.com/MrMiner-org
- Source: https://github.com/MrMiner-org/TheMinerzCoin
- Windows Wallet + Daemon: https://github.com/MrMiner-org/TheM...ate-5/TheMinerzCoin-Wallet+Daemon-Win-x64.zip
- Linux client+daemon: https://github.com/MrMiner-org/TheM...te-5/TheMinerzCoin-Wallet+Daemon-Linux-64.zip
- Linux-AARCH64 client+daemon: https://github.com/MrMiner-org/TheM...ate-5/TheMinerzCoin-Wallet+Daemon-AARCH64.zip

Miningcore + Blinkhash Pool Source and Daemon
- Source: https://github.com/MrMiner-org/TheMinerzCoin-Pool-Source
- Linux client+daemon: https://github.com/MrMiner-org/TheM...-1/TMC_1.1.0_Pool-Update_Ubuntu20_x86-x64.zip

Social media

- Discord: https://discord.gg/s7pM5ChykY
- Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5466150.0
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheMinerzCoin
- Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TheMinerzCoin
- Telegram: https://t.me/+2Lgi-ldtgN41MTFi


- Luckydogpool: https://luckydogpool.com/
- Wdspool: https://wsdpool.online/
- Cminer: https://cminer.org/
- Afinepool: https://afinepool.xyz
- Spools: https://spools.online/
- Asic-Miners: https://pool.asic-miners.eu/
- Altcoinpool: https://yiimp.altcoinpool.ru/


-Bitxonex: https://www.bitxonex.com/market/tmcusdt
-FinanceX: https://financex.trade/trading/tmcusdt
-Bimex: https://bimex.live/trade/index/market/tmc_usdt
-Xeggex: https://xeggex.com/market/TMC_USDT
-ExchangeAssets: https://exchange-assets.com/en/?market=tmc_usdt


- CoinPaprika: https://coinpaprika.com/coin/tmc-theminerzcoin/
- CoinCodex: https://coincodex.com/crypto/theminerzcoin/
- CoinCheckup: https://coincheckup.com/coins/theminerzcoin
- LiveCoinWatch: https://www.livecoinwatch.com/price/TheMinerzCoin-_______TMC
- CoinGecko:
- CoinLib:


- Whitepaper: https://theminerzcoin.eu/download/TheMinerzCoin-White-Paper.pdf
- Full logo: https://theminerzcoin.eu/assets/img/logo/logo-area-1.png