tsDNS connecting my domain


Oct 21, 2016
So sorry for the noob question but i am rather new with anything more than permissions and joining teamspeaks and just putting them up i've never dived into the whole settings side of it. Right now i am running the Server Crack on Ubuntu Linux and the ts has been up and done fine and i've got it all set up but the one thing is now i want to connect a domain to it. I have bought a domain so now how do i go about connecting it to tsdns? All the tutorials and stuff i've found are in german or non english
Note: Domain is registered with GoDaddy
Any help is appreciated
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Retired Staff
Apr 30, 2015


Apr 25, 2015
You do not have to use TSDNS, you can simply create SRV records and let the client do the work.

Here are instructions to add SRV records to your account, read below for more info:
  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account.
  2. On your product list next to Domains, click the
    (plus sign button) to expand the list:

  3. Next to the domain you want to manage, under the Action section, click on the Manage DNS button:

  4. At the bottom of the Records section, click Add and select SRV from the menu.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Service - Enter the service name of this SRV record. The name should begin with an underscore, such as _ldap, _ftp, or _smtp.
    • Protocol - Enter the protocol the service uses. The name should begin with an underscore, such as _tcp or _udp.
    • Name - Enter the host name or domain name the SRV links to, such as server1. If you want to link the record to your domain name, type @.
    • Target - Enter the host name of the machine providing the service, such as host.example.com.
    • Priority - Select the priority for the SRV record. For multiple records that have the same Name and Service, clients use the priority number to determine which Target to contact first.
    • Weight - Select the weight of the SRV record. For multiple records that have the same Name, Service, and Priority, clients use the weight number to determine which Target to contact first.
    • Port - Enter the port number for the service, such as 80 or 21.
    • TTL - Select how long the server should cache the information.
  6. Click Save

Here are the R4P3.NET SRV records used to connect us, there must be two.

Service name: _ts3
Protocol: UDP
Name: r4p3.net --- this will connect users going to "r4p3.net" to our server, your domain goes here.
Priority: 1
Weight: 1
Port: 25490 --- this is the port your ts3 server is running on
Target: grey.ts.nfoservers.com --- where your TeamSpeak 3 is hosted (hostname example.tsserverhost.com)

Service Name: _tsdns
Protocol: TCP
Name: r4p3.net --- this will connect users going to "r4p3.net" to our server, your domain goes here.
Priority: 1
Weight: 1
Port: 25490 --- this is the port your ts3 server is running on
Target: grey.ts.nfoservers.com --- where your TeamSpeak 3 is hosted (hostname example.tsserverhost.com)

Once you have this setup (properly), users will be able to connect to your TeamSpeak 3 just by connecting to your domain, for example myclansite.com, but you could also host a website on another server so people load a beautiful website/forum when going to your domain via web-browser, but also connect to TS3 with the same domain. This is what SRV records are intended for. They are service records --- so people do not have to remember ports and subdomains, much like domains are so people do not have to remember IPs. :D
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